Jeune et Golri


A series that follows Prune and Alma, step-mom and step-daughter in many a crazy adventure

I was the post-production assistant intern

Behind the Scenes

Here is a shot from my desk during the assistant editing of a part of the show for tests

Technical Information

Title (Original): Jeune et Golri – Saison 2

Title (International): Jeune et Golri – Saison 2

Release Date: 08/06/2023

Episodes: 8

Filming Country: France

Image Ratio(Delivery): 16 :9

In Color?: Yes


Prune: Agnès Hurstel

Alma: Saül Benchetrit

Jacob: Abraham Wapler

Adelaïde: Marie Papillon

Ernest: Thomas Gioria

Alice: Lison Daniel

Nordine: Nordine Ganso

Mich Mich: Guillaume Bonnard


Roro: Juliette Gasquet

Francis: Jonathan Lambert

Bambie: Mélanie Doutey

Rose: Baya Kasmi

Georges: Jerôme Lenôtre

Lazare: Daniel Goldenberg

Tim: Michael Zindel

Chloe: Mitty Hazanavicius


I'm waiting to hear your ideas for your next project.
Let's discuss further